As the fall approaches and the cooler temperatures begin to settle in, some folks find it difficult to keep their water intake where it needs to be. In the summer it can be pretty easy to get your water in because you’re hot and a there are plenty of berries and deliciousness to spice up your water and make it taste yummy.
But, when the temperature falls it can be more difficult to drink the amount of water your body needs to fight dehydration. In fact, it’s been recorded that in the United States almost 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. I couldn’t find a source for Canada, but I’m keeping my eyes open.
With that being said, I want to encourage you to keep your water intake up throughout the colder months.
Here are 3 ways to help you keep on track with your hydration:
1) Heat up your water. Yup. It’s that simple. Drink warm water. My Mom calls it “Silver Tea” and it’s actually delicious. Simply put the kettle on, get your favorite super huge mug and drink your water warm/hot. Add lemon if you’d like for a little flavor and yumminess.
2) Autumn-ify your water. Yup. You can make your water taste like fall and sometimes it’s just the thought of something delicious that gets you sippin’ your water the way your body deserves. Find your favorite pitcher, cut up 1 plum, 1 apple (remove core and seeds, obviously) and 1 pear. Place all the fruit into your pitcher. Add 2-3 cinnamon sticks. Fill up the pitcher with water and let it steep overnight in your fridge. Wake in the morning and enjoy all day!
3) Commit. I don’t think many people really understand how important water is to our bodies. Our bodies are approximately 60% water, so ensuring that you’re drinking enough will help you maintain the fluid balance in your body. Fluids help with digestion, circulation, absorption, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature. So, you know, it’s kind of important.
One of the easiest things you can do is COMMIT to drinking your water. Set a goal for yourself and aim to reach your water intake goal for a month straight. By doing this you can get yourself into (or back into) the habit of drinking the required amount of water your body needs to work effectively. Fill up a 2L jug of water each morning and shoot to have it gone by the end of the day. Depending on how active you are, how big/small you are you may need to increase that intake up to 3-4L/day.
But…commit to it. Find yourself a lovely water bottle and get drinkin’.
You’re important. Your body is important. Hydrate properly and reap the benefits of a better complexion, more energy and even weight loss…simply by drinking water. It’s not magic…it’s science and your body is a scientific goddess.
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