We had a BLAST with Week One of Choose Your Own Fitventure and this week will be even better! This week we’re focused a little more on self-care and kindness. But, don’t you worry, I’ve included some physical challenges in there for you, too.
If you didn’t participate in Week One, that’s A-OK! You can jump into this challenge for the week and join the fun! Just make sure that you’re part of the Fueled Life with Lindsay Gee Facebook Group for the accountability posts and support, fun

Here’s how this challenge works:
Below you’ll see five challenges. Your goal is to complete all five challenges by the end of the week. They do not need to be done in order and you can tick them off your to-do list on days that work with your schedule.
One rule: One challenge per day
Without further adieu:

For Challenge #4, you can make it into a full workout by repeating everything 3 times. That’s what I’m planning to do and I’m super cool (just ask my kids…*eye roll*), so you should, too.
Alright, my friends, it’s time to get cracking! Have a BLAST and again, be sure to join the group to help you stay accountable to this challenge (and many more to come!).
Comments, questions, concerns? No problem! Fire away! I’m here for you. Off you go!