If I had a nickel for every time I didn’t want to workout but did, I’d be a millionaire. Truly. There is a misconception that because I am a fitness instructor, or because I have a PhD in Exercise Physiology or because I founded a fitness business that I love working out all the time.
I do love working out. Both my physical and mental health relies heavily on my ability to move my body and sweat…but some days…I just don’t wanna. Some days the last thing I want to do is get on my treadmill or go lift weights or go for a run outside. Some days I just wanna sit on my couch, turn on Netflix and…well…chill.
But not sexy chill. Like…chill, chill.
A few years ago I started tricking myself into my workouts using Netflix. This strategy really does help get you to your workouts when you would typically throw on your sweats and settle in with your wine and popcorn (or peanut butter cups, I’m not judging).
Top Fitness Tip to Get Your Workout Done:

I find a show on Netflix and I permit myself to watch it ONLY when I’m on my treadmill.
The problem with Netflix shows is, well, they’re super good and each episode leaves you wanting to watch the next. There have been so many days when the only reason I did my workout was that I needed to see what happened next to Harvey & Mike in Suits or whether Rayna and Deacon every do sleep together in Nashville.
I’m not kidding. Many times, my desire to find out “what happens next” is the only reason I workout. Some days, I know that I could find an excuse to not workout, but Archie and the Gang left me hanging last time and I really do need to find out who the Gargoyle King really is…and the only way to do that is sweating it out on my treadmill. So, instead of grabbing a glass of wine and settling in, I ie up my sneakers, get on the treadmill, turn my show on and get to work.
The key, though? Make the show a non-thinker. Don’t pick something that you need to follow closely, or is twisty turny and needs a lot thought: you will lose the plot. Because, although our mental focus is quite good while working out, mental processing can be slightly slower. And honestly, sometimes I can’t hear the show over my ridiculous loud breathing.
I’ve watched Riverdale, Dynasty, Suits, the Blacklist, and so many others! I now need a new series and am looking for. What’s your recommendation for my next Sweat Series on Netflix? I’m all ears. It needs to be juicy or a little suspenseful…comedies don’t typically work for me and they need to be over 40 minutes long.
Any recommendations for my next Netflix & Sweat series?? Fill me in so I can stay motivated!
This has been such a helpful post for me! So thank you very much for sharing and keep up the good work 🙂