Core work! Core work! Core work! Say it with me…core work!
A lot of people think of their core as only their abdominals and while they’re partially correct, your core is so much more than just your abs. I always tell people to think of their core running from the base of their head all the way down to the back of their knees. Front and back. So, when you have an instructor who says “engage your core”, we’re not simply saying “pull your belly button to your spine”, I’m talking “head in line with your spine, shoulder bladed pulled back and down, corset tightened, belly button to spine, squeeze your glutes and pull your pelvic floor up, up, up”. So yeah, more than just your abs.
This workout includes a medicine ball, but don’t worry if you don’t have one! You can grab any soccer/volley/basketball-sized ball and get to work! Trust me when I tell you, you definitely don’t need the added weight of the med ball to make this workout effective.
But, if you find you do find that you need added weight, you can use a dumbbell and simply modify the exercises to make it work.
This workout is 8 minutes of work, 2 minutes of rest.
Each block is 2 minutes. In each block, there are two exercises. Complete Exercise #1 for 30 seconds, then Exercise #2 for 30 seconds. Repeat twice. That equals 20 minutes. Rest for 30 seconds then move on to the next block.
Med Ball Core Crush:
If you’d like to have me coach you through the workout, you can listen to this workout via podcast. CLICK HERE to access the podcast and listen to my sweet, sweet voice talk you through.
Be sure to watch THIS SHORT VIDEO before you start this workout so you know exactly what to do for each exercise.
Alright, Mamabears! Time for YOU to get your core to work! Let me know how it goes!
Off you go!
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