I’ve been asked over and over to post a good treadmill interval workout for y’all. So, here’s one for you to give a whirl. I love it because it’s quick, super effective and you’ll get a good sweat on and feel accomplished when you’re all done.
There are a few advantages to doing interval workouts that I want to remind you of:
- Metabolic booster: A good interval workout will have you burning calories for a longer period of time AFTER you’re finished working out. That means your “workout” goes on and on even after you’re off the treadmill. But no, that doesn’t give you permission to “indulge” and eat more!
- Mood enhancer: Metabolic/interval workouts have been shown to improve your mood. So, if you’re having a bad day, get your buns on the treadmill and set those endorphins free!
- Quick: One of the best parts of this workout is that it is under 30 minutes. I know you can find the time to get this in, so plan your day accordingly and GET TO WORK!
As always, I work on a Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE). To make it easier on everyone, I use a scale from 1-10 with 1 being at home in bed sleeping, and 10 being all-out maximal effort.
I love using RPE as it allows you to see improvements quickly AND on good days you’ll push harder and on bad days, you’ll note changes in speed or incline. It’s such an interesting way to workout – I’m also slightly nerdy when it comes to learning about the body (hello, PhD), but hey…I figure y’all should learn what it feels like to push your body to a “10”.
You’re welcome. I love you.
Alright, here’s the workout. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but please do let me know if you have any questions whatsoever!

How fun, eh?! Woop! Give it a try and please do let me know how it goes! I always love to hear from you!
Have a good workout, my friends. Your body, mind and soul deserve it. xo