When I started teaching bootcamp to a bunch of amazing Mamas (hello, Hot Mama Westshore!) I high-fived everyone after class. Every single person. Then, when I expanded and started teaching people how to be awesome instructors, I made it a “rule” that they were to high five everyone after every workout.
Good question.
At first, I did it because I wanted everyone to feel like they were seen at each and every workout. There’s no better way to acknowledge someone than through touch. Seeing that swatting my clients on the ass after every workout would have (most likely) been considered inappropriate, I had to settle for a high-five (and sometimes a sweaty hug because…well…I’m me).
As the years went on, high-fiving became a ritual for me. Whether I was teaching for Hot Mama or teaching elsewhere, I tried to high-five every single person I instructed. I made sure to make physical contact with every sweaty body.

I truly started doing it to be inclusive. To say “I see you. You’re amazing. Thank you for spending time with me”. But, recently, I realized that high-fiving gives back to me more than I give to it.
That sounds super hippie-dippy trippy, but hear me out.
When I high-five someone there is a definite transfer of energy. I give, they take. I take, they give. It’s very cool. Particularly during or after a workout, the transfer of energy is beautiful.
So, I high-five at the end of every single workout I teach because usually my participants are feeling great and, selfishly, I love taking their high energy into my soul. It makes me feel strong and amazing. So, as much as I’m giving them my gratitude, I also receive their good exercise vibes in return.

Recently, I’ve started high-fiving random people on my runs. If I see another person out for a jog and they’re running in the opposite direction, I’ll put my hand out for a high-five. Some people high-five back and some people are so into their run they don’t notice (OR…they don’t want to high-five, which is A-OK!).
And, you know what? The transfer of energy in that short touch is remarkable. After I high-five someone, my pace quickens for a few seconds and I feel strong and positive. It’s the endorphins, I know. But, it’s also more than that. It’s the positive feeling you get when you acknowledge someone’s effort and make them feel seen. It’s acknowledging that we’re doing the same thing and we’re seriously kickass human beings. It’s all positive and it’s all good energy and I absolutely take it from them when I can.
If you haven’t done something like that on a run, give it a whirl. It’s remarkable what can happen to your own energy with even that short connection. You may feel ridiculous at first, but trust me, once you start, you won’t stop.
High-five everyone. LOL. It’s the best way to make a quick connection and let someone know you see them, you acknowledge their effort and encourage them to continue on. The added transfer of energy to you is THE BEST!
Do it. Go on…join my #HighFiveCrew and feel the love (and energy)!