Welcome to the Fueled Life’s first ever fitness challenge! I wanted to kick things off with a fitness challenge because my entire life has involved fitness and I thought what better way to get the group moving than with a BUNCH of exercises of joy and power?!
Today’s challenge is my 1000 Rep Challenge.

Newbies…before you freak out…HANG ON…
If you’re new to fitness or just getting back into it DO NOT FREAK OUT! If 50 reps of each of these exercises is freaking you out…cut it in half. Your challenge is a 500 Rep Challenge. Okay?! Now, breathe.
The rest of you yahoos who have been active for awhile, get through the 1000 reps!
You can do them all at once and use this challenge as your workout today OR you can print off the graphic, break the exercises up throughout the day tick them off as you get them done. It’s totally up to you as to how you work your way through the challenge. But…do it!
This is a full-body challenge with upper body, lower body, core and cardio exercises included. Because I love you. I love you very much. I love you enough to kick your buttocks and get you moving. Muwah! Smoochie smooch.
Here’s your challenge, my lovelies:

Personally, I cannot wait to tackle this today. I’m motivated and wanting to crush it!
Oh…and if you’re going to a class (ahem…I love Hot Mama classes!), YES…you can count any reps you get done in class towards this challenge, of course! Woop!
Have fun! And be sure to join the Fueled Life with Lindsay Gee’s Challenge & Accountability group for support, inspiration and encouragement!
Okay…I’m really excited for you to get to work…so GET TO WORK!
Comments? Questions? Love and adoration? GREAT! Comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I possibly can!
You’re amazing. Don’t forget it.